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Hello, I subscribed to the game and the game does not work with people’s comments and does not interact with people. Please solve the problem

I downloaded the application it doesn't work when I write my email a solution?

why does it say pc I’d mismatch?

I started the game and a box and with a key on top of it only shows up

Hi, please login with your email. Your license key is your email address.

Hola, el juego no me deja configurar los colores, y no le puedo dar a estart game, ayuda por favor

check your email.

ya lo consulté, realize los pasos de las imágenes, en los colores solo puedo escribir, escribo los colores y ya todo listo le doy a start game y nada, no sucede nada

hola no puedo ingresar al juego, ayuda

Check your email, please.

I'm in a country where TikTok is banned. I want to allow VPN. The game does not work with VPN. Please solve this problem.

where are you from ?